Very often web site owners that don’t have much internet experience think that as long as they have a web site it should be found easily through the search engines. The truth is that without taking some steps in order to optimise and submit your site to the search engines, you don’t have much chances attracting visitors to your site.

We can help you get more website visitors and increase your revenue. We achieve that by doing the following:

  • Developing your web site according to current web standards
  • Including proper meta data in your web site code
  • Creating search engine friendly URLs for your pages
  • Submitting your site to search engines
  • Placing links to your site on other relative sites

Depending on your budget we can make a basic SEO or help you achieve top 10 ranking on Google and Bing. We also track the results of your Internet marketing and search engine optimization activities and can provide you with statistics.

SEO tips

  1. Add unique titles on all pages in the site and use keywords for which you want the certain page to be found
  2. Add unique page descriptions
  3. HTML and CSS validation of web page to W3C standards
  4. Always add the ALT tags on images
  5. Use important keywords in H1-H6 headline texts
  6. Add Robots.txt file on the server
  7. Add Google sitemap
  8. Using important keywords as link texts of inbound links – internal links in the site and external links from other web sites
  9. Use of keywords in the domain name (if chosen by you) and in the page URLs, site subfolders, subdomains
  10. Site speed and server speed – very important. Some tips are – be careful using Java Scripts, too many CSS files, flash objects.
  11. Eliminate duplicate content – it seems that sometimes you don’t imagine about this problem until you see Google webmaster tools. If a page can be accessed in several ways (with several different URLs) you need to add 301 redirects so that only one URL displays that page, otherwise Google considers that as Duplicated content and penalises the site.
  12. Eliminate spelling or grammar mistakes
  13. Get links from external sites to different pages of your site
  14. Update your content regularly
  15. Add a blog section in your site to share your knowledge and generate content